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To become a Friend of TCF Global, simply take these steps:
Step One: Please complete the Subscription Form below and then Click Submit.
To become a member, simply take these steps:
Step One: Please complete the Membership Form below and then click Submit.
At TCF Global, our Mission is to assist the textile, clothing, footwear and leather Industry of Australia by providing support and specialised resources in the area of business skills workshops, industry forums, mentoring, information services, directory, networking and opportunities for the growth and development of the Australian TCFL Industry.
In return for your valued support, we provide you with various opportunities and benefits:
- Invitations and accommodation sponsorship* to attend TCF Buying Missions
- Monthly newsletters with latest updates on industry news and events
- Receiving assistance with your sourcing requirements
- Marketing and PR guidance through our low cost advisory services
- Gaining valuable contacts through the TCFWA, TCF Australia & TCF Global networks
To become a member, simply take these steps:
Step One: Please complete the Membership Form below and then click Submit.